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Ian and Racquel Anderson are the passionate owner/operators of Racian.

Mr. Anderson has dedicated a life-long passion to food with over 25 years in restaurants and hospitality. Mrs. Anderson began her career in finance, but after being bitten by the food bug, directed all of her passions perfecting every element of the creation and execution of amazing dishes. She is also an accomplished baker, caterer, and Racian is proud to call her our Executive Chef.

The Staff

Our staff of Bailey Farber, Sous Chef and youngest son of the owners, is following in the family business. Bailey is already an accomplished Chef and is innovative in some of the new dishes coming your way.

Benny Ramirez, is the face of our front of house. Benny is no stranger to the crew and has joined us part time from our previous team in Madison. Joining us on occasion, is Ian's brother, Cris Diaz. He is a world traveler and knows quality when he sees it. After years living abroad, He has come home and is now helping his brother make dreams a reality. He has been in hospitality for decades and his passion for his service shows.

Part time employee, Mary Geiss, is well seasoned in the service industry showing her love through and with her service. We are fortunate enough to have them as staff, privileged enough to consider them family.

Do what you Love...Love what you do...

Food is LOVE!


or become part of our team.

Bistro Racian 

is currently taking applications for all positions, including but not limited to, pizza makers, server assistants, cooks, and drivers. 

Please contact us via the listings below.



Phone:  920-350-0066


We are heart-broken to announce we are no longer open. 
For future updates or changes, please see our Facebook page
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